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Erotic privates, services, escort

Choose from erotic privates, companions escort and many other erotic services

Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions

Using of and is permitted only to persons over 18 years.
When You will send form, the addresses of computer will be listed for the purpose of identifying unauthorized activities.
Using and must be in accordance with the Slovakia, the Czech Republic and the European Union legislation. and reserves right to delete or modify any data.
We are not responsible for any damages.
Adding of offers is free. Publication of the offer is priced 0.20 € per day.
You represent, that the data entered are correct.

Conditions of registration

Registration information is not disclosed in advertisements.

Terms of adding offers

Authors of proposals are responsible for individual corresponding offers. and has no responsibility for the offers.
The offer may not put any photo on which it is discovered genitals.
Offers are undergoing to verification.

We reserve the right to change these conditions.

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